plastic surgery nyc

Are You a Good Fit for Us?

The term “surgery” includes everything from the anesthesia, to the operation, to postoperative recovery. Due to this, deciding if plastic surgery is right for you is usually not a straightforward math problem. In fact, there are a number of variables to consider in this decision. Any underlying medical problems you may have, your general health and lifestyle, the “problem” being addressed, the magnitude of the surgical “solution” and the anticipated outcome all play a role in determining if plastic surgery is right for you.

Finding the right doctor is important to you, so why shouldn’t finding the right patient be important to us?

Whether you are considering cosmetic or reconstructive plastic surgery, we believe the most important part of the process is proper patient selection. We view our relationship with each patient as a partnership, where we share the risks and the rewards. Those that are looking to get plastic surgery to look like their favorite actress are generally not a good match with us. We have found that those with realistic expectations about what plastic surgery can achieve are the ones that are the most satisfied after the surgery is completed.

What makes someone a good candidate for plastic surgery?

Most young, healthy and well-informed patients are excellent candidates for most surgeries. Patients with significant underlying diseases, that take multiple medications or those that have made poor lifestyle choices require more in-depth consideration. Exceptional judgment, thorough preoperative evaluation, meticulous surgical technique and careful post-op management can often counter-balance those mitigating factors.

How do I know if plastic surgery is right for me?

Ultimately, the best way to determine whether or not you are a good candidate for plastic surgery is to come in and talk to us about it. We can only promise an honest evaluation and recommendation. You will be comfortable in knowing that if we felt a particular procedure was not a good decision for one of our friends or family members, we would not recommend it to you. We view the process very much as a partnership in which we share in both the risk and reward with you. We’re in this together.

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